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How to make thread-safe calls to controls (xtd.forms)

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Multithreading can improve the performance of xtd.forms applications, but access to xtd.forms controls is not inherently thread-safe. Multithreading can expose your code to serious and complex bugs. Two or more threads manipulating a control can force the control into an inconsistent state and lead to race conditions, deadlocks, freezes, or stalls. If you implement multithreading in your application, be sure to call cross-threaded controls in a safe manner.

There are two ways to safely call an xtd.forms control from a thread that did not create the control. Use the xtd::windows::forms::control::invoke method to call a delegate created in the main thread, which in turn calls the control. You can also implement an xtd::forms::background_worker, which uses an event-driven model to separate the work done in the background thread from the communication of results.

Unsafe cross-thread calls

It's unsafe to call a control directly from a thread that didn't create it. The following code snippet illustrates an unsafe call to the xtd::forms::text_box control. The button1_Click event handler creates a new write_text_unsafe thread, which sets the main thread's xtd::forms::text_box::text property directly.

void button1_click(object& sender, const event_args& e) {
thread thread1(delegate<void()>(*this, &main_form::write_text_unsafe));

void write_text_unsafe() {
text_box1.text("This text was set unsafely.");

The Visual Studio debugger detects these unsafe thread calls by throwing an xtd::invalid_operation_exception with the following message: "Cross-thread operation not valid. Control accessed from a thread other than the one where it was created. The xtd::invalid_operation_exception always occurs for unsafe cross-threaded calls during Visual Studio debugging, and can occur at application runtime. You need to resolve this issue, but you can disable the exception by setting the xtd::forms::control::check_for_illegal_cross_thread_calls property to false.


Be careful, some OS don't support cross-thread UI operations!

Safe cross-thread calls

The following code examples demonstrate two ways to safely call a xtd.forms control from a thread that didn't create it:

  1. The xtd::forms::control::invoke method, which calls a delegate from the main thread to call the control.
  2. A xtd::forms::background_worker component, which offers an event-driven model.

In both examples, the background thread sleeps for one second to simulate work being done in that thread.

Example: Use the xtd::forms::control::invoke method

The following example demonstrates a pattern for ensuring thread-safe calls to a xtd.forms control. It queries the xtd::forms::control::invoke_required property, which compares the control's creating thread ID to the calling thread ID. If they're different, you should call the xtd::forms::control::invoke method.

The write_text_safe enables setting the xtd::forms::text_box control's xtd::forms::control::text property to a new value. The method queries xtd::forms::control::invoke_required. If xtd::forms::control::invoke_required returns true, write_text_safe recursively calls itself, passing the method as a delegate to the xtd::forms::control::invoke method. If xtd::forms::control::invoke_required returns false, write_text_safe sets the xtd::forms::text_box::text directly. The button1_click event handler creates the new thread and runs the write_text_safe method.

void button1_click(object& sender, const event_args& e) {
thread thread1(delegate<void()>(*this, &main_form::write_text_safe));

void write_text_safe() {
if (text_box1.invoke_required())
text_box1.invoke({*this, &main_form::write_text_safe});
text_box1.text("This text was set safely.");

Example: Use a xtd::forms::background_worker

An easy way to implement multithreading is with the xtd::forms::background_worker component, which uses an event-driven model. The background thread raises the xtd::forms::background_worker::do_work event, which doesn't interact with the main thread. The main thread runs the xtd::forms::background_worker::progress_changed and xtd::forms::background_worker::run_worker_completed event handlers, which can call the main thread's controls.

To make a thread-safe call by using xtd::forms::background_worker, handle the xtd::forms::background_worker::do_work event. There are two events the background worker uses to report status: xtd::forms::background_worker::progress_changed and xtd::forms::background_worker::run_worker_completed. The xtd::forms::background_worker::progress_changed event is used to communicate status updates to the main thread, and the xtd::forms::background_worker::run_worker_completed event is used to signal that the background worker has completed its work. To start the background thread, call xtd::forms::background_worker::run_worker_async.

The example counts from 0 to 10 in the xtd::forms::background_worker::do_work event, pausing for one second between counts. It uses the xtd::forms::background_worker::progress_changed event handler to report the number back to the main thread and set the xtd::forms::text_box control's xtd::forms::text_box::text property. For the xtd::forms::background_worker::progress_changed event to work, the xtd::forms::background_worker::worker_reports_progress property must be set to true.

void button1_click(object& sender, const event_args& e) {
if (!background_worker1.is_busy())

void background_worker1_do_work(object& sender, do_work_event_args& e) {
int counter = 0;
int max = 10;

while (counter <= max) {
background_worker1.report_progress(0, ustring::format("{}", counter));

void background_worker1_progress_changed(object& sender, const progress_changed_event_args& e) {

See also